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By 2LT Scott Bennett, Ph.D. (ABD)

11th Psychological Operations Battalion

U.S. Civil Affairs-Psychological Operations Command

United States Army Reserve

July 4, 2014

Dear Member of Congress,

This letter is being submitted to inform you about material essential to your Congressional hearing on the state of Iraq and Afghanistan (Date: Tuesday, July 8, 2014, Time: 09:30 AM Location: Room SVC-217, The Office of Senate Security in the Capitol Visitor Center), as well as your consideration of candidates for military leadership positions (Date: Thursday, July 10, 2014 Time: 09:30 AMLocation: Room SD-G50, Dirksen Senate Office Building).

I urge you to publish this letter on your Congressional web site, and assume a position of support for both the recommendations contained herein, and the corroborating military whistleblowing reports exposing terrorist financing and its cover-up by the highest levels of government, the military, the intelligence community, and the media. Please contact me to schedule an immediate debriefing, where I will be appearing in my Army Uniform, under oath, in performance of my constitutional duty as a military officer. Failure to do this on your part, will demonstrate your failure to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of Amercia, and warrant your immediate removal from office.

Contact me immediately for a confidential debriefing.

2LT Scott Bennett

U.S. Army (Reserve)

11th Psychological Operations Battalion

U.S. Civil Affairs-Psychological Operations Command

(925) 391-0407


To my fellow military brethren wounded, killed or abandoned in the Middle East wars; and their mothers and fathers, wives and husbands, grandparents, and children burdened with the scars.

If you are receiving this letter via a Member of Congress, then he/she is honorably defending the constitution of the United States, and worthy of your election. If you have not received this letter from your Member, then know that they are participating in this cover-up and should be immediately removed from office—if not criminally prosecuted as part of a conspiracy involving parties and actions contained in this report.

The ongoing revelations of illegal NSA-CIA surveillance on Americans and our allies, as well as the sudden re-conquest of Iraq by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and the Levant, as well as the rampant beheadings and crucifixions of Christians around the Middle East—re-igniting smoldering wars—has compelled me to write to you and share this information to assuage your family’s anger, suffering and loss. I encourage you to review this material for two reasons: 1) for your own sense of closure, healing, and growth; and 2) to help you serve as a resource for other families who are, or may soon be, struggling with the same agony and frustration.

You can inspect the documents relating to this report at: After review, I hope you will honor our warriors (military and contractors) by sharing these materials with your family and friends. I also hope you will forcefully demand an explanation, an apology, and a plan of redemptive action from the media, the military leaders, and the politicians in Washington DC and your own State Capitols, before another family suffers the same loss; and before Congress and the President once again plunge our young men and women into an insane, endless, and unconstitutional Middle East war (which may soon expand into Eurasia) they themselves refuse to fight.


I am the military officer who writes the letters informing some of you of your soldier's death. I am the Officer-in-Charge of the Army Adjutant General Department (S-1) at my battalion. The S-1 department is where the most recent Fort Hood shooting took place a couple months ago. Incidentally this shooting was triggered by a silly and avoidable military bureaucratic and leadership failure that resulted in the soldier experiencing a sense of “betrayal” by the military; and then consequently becoming frustrated into a psychological breakdown and suicidal rage…but that’s another report.


I write to you today to share a discovery I made many months ago, which sadly—if not reprehensibly—nobody in our military ranks, or Congress, or intelligence community, or the media seems to have the guts or honor to tell you about…so far.

Since September 25, 2012, I have written, demanded, and pleaded to the highest levels of America's military-congressional-judicial leadership, asking them to expose and inform you about a scandalous cover-up that continues to this very day. To over one hundred politicians, journalists, and senior level military officers have I written letters and reports (legal motions, whistleblowing reports to the Inspector General, Congressional requests, etc.) addressing this issue. You may confirm this at:

With the exception of Senator Rand Paul, all of these supposed “leaders and men of honor” have not only ignored it, but in fact threatened, persecuted, imprisoned, and tortured me (in that order) in a cowardly and treasonous attempt to hide this matter. Quite simply, instead of serving as the U.S. Constitution's advocate, they have shamefully played the corporate slave and political harlot. Sadly, and without apology or hesitation, I tell you that this failure is enabling Islamic extremists to wound and kill our young men and women in uniform defending America—at home and abroad.

Because of this, my oath as military Officer compels me to give you and your fallen service-member the dignity and respect of sharing with you the raw, undiluted truth about exactly what I discovered, and why my efforts to get this information out to you have been blocked since September 25, 2012.


I realize you may have difficulty believing this story, but the maxim “truth is stranger than fiction” certainly rings true in this case. This information is unclassified and available on open-source media and internet intelligence channels.

Unfortunately, all those associated with politics, the military, and the media seem to have either:

1) chosen to remain in the delusion of fanatical post-September 11th patriotism (or rather hysteria, as some might describe); or else

2) have lost their souls to the addiction of power and the fear of losing it; or else

3) have consciously and quietly exchanged your son or daughter's, husband or wife's, father or mother's life for the proverbial “thirty-pieces of silver” of their own job security and retirement in the defense contracting “Shell Game.” I urge you to be their judge.


The simple fact is your son or daughter was injured or killed by a terrorist bullet, bomb, drug, or cyberattack financed, in part, by assets (cash, diamonds, gold, drugs, etc.) illegally transferred from Swiss Bank accounts—specifically the Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS), and one Saudi account holder in particular, Abdulaziz Abbas (Asra Abdulaziz a pouvoir su le coffre—Coffre No 8170 lie au Co-259.518-B.N.—Titulaire: 0279/CO-617’500-T.B.), and its Optimus Foundation—whose chief executives (i.e., Robert Wolf, Chairman of the Americas) have been financial bundlers for the Obama Administration, and protected from Justice Department prosecution by Attorney General Eric Holder and Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer; and rewarded by Hillary Clinton and Ambassador Dell Dailey at the State Department, and Senators Carl Levin, Diane Feinstein, John McCain, and others in Congress.


Most shocking was my discovery that these Swiss bank accounts—especially UBS and the Abdulaziz Abbas account—were known, controlled and preserved by the United States, but never shared with the military's Terrorist Threat Finance team; and the defense contractor managing this program, Booz Allen Hamilton—the same defense contractor that managed Edward Snowden's intelligence whistleblowing reports—intentionally covered this up.

Booz Allen Hamilton was paid to essentially help end the Middle East wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa) by identifying, analyzing, and disrupting terrorist financial networks and operations. I know this, because I myself worked for Booz Allen Hamilton. I performed global psychological warfare analysis at the U.S. State Department's Coordinator for Counter-terrorism Office (under General Dell Dailey), U.S. Special Operations Command (under Colonel Dorothea Burke), and U.S. Central Command (under General James Mattis), where among other things I was the Liaison Officer, and terrorist threat finance analyst with a Top Secret/SCI clearance.

In this capacity, it was my job to know everything, compartmentalize information, and then use it to identify, expose, and disrupt global terrorist financial networks and operations...but I failed.

I failed because I was stupidly—and perhaps treasonously—stopped from doing my duty by the very military command and political officials who were overseeing my work. As perverse or preposterous as this may sound, it is unfortunately true. Of course it may not surprise you, considering the military-political bureaucracy is not only intolerably dull and chronically incompetent, but notoriously unimaginative at problem-solving, achieving objectives, or honoring those who do. However, please know I did my very best to perform my mission, and zealously did everything I could to expose and destroy these terrorist networks, and prevent your son and daughter's suffering.

I say this with great shame and regret, as both a military officer and an defense contractor: It is with a heart heavy with sadness and guilt and blood boiling-over with outrage that I must confess to you that I, as well as Booz Allen Hamilton, the senior level military officer corps, and members congress and the Obama Administration, have contributed to the death of your son, daughter, father, mother, husband or wife, by failing in our threat finance mission; and then covering it up, which, technically speaking, may amount to “aiding and abetting” the enemies of the United States. Equally to blame are the media, who have stuck their heads in the sand. This was, in part, why Edward Snowden chose to reveal his information directly to the American people—and avoid suffering the same fate I endured for “telling truth to power”.


The people who knew about this issue, and who refused to do anything about it or even share it with you, include:

Senator Diane Feinstein (California), Senator Barbara Boxer (California), Senator Carl Levin (Michigan), Senator John McCain (Arizona), Senator Lindsay Graham (South Carolina), Senator Bill Nelson (Florida) Representative Jason Chaffetz, Representative Darryl Issa, Representative Mike Rogers, Chair of House Intelligence Committee, Representative Peter King, and many other members of Congress who held key positions in military, national security, and intelligence matters. Their names are contained in the whistleblowing report “FOLLOW THE MONEY.” You may review this report at:

Also responsible are the officials and journalists who were informed, yet did nothing, at Fox News, NBC, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, and other media organizations.

Most culpable are General James Mattis (U.S. Central Command), General Jeffrey Jacobs (U.S. Civil Affairs-Psychological Operations Command), General Keith Alexander and Michael Hayden (NSA-Cyber Command), National Counter-terrorism Center Director Matthew Olsen, FBI Director James Comey, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, CIA Director John Brennan, Defense Intelligence Agency Director Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn; as well as Booz Allen Hamilton, the Carlyle Group, and its officers.

All letters to these people, and others, are contained within the document: “EXHIBITS: Letters to Congress, Military, Media”, and are available for review at:

Amazingly all of these men testified at a hearing before Senate (Select) Intelligence Committee January 29, 2014 and savagely attacked Edward Snowden (NSA-CIA whistle-blower) for revealing much of this information to journalists such as Glenn Greenwald at the Guardian). In my opinion, they did this not out of duty to defend the Constitution, but out of a selfish desire to conceal their own incompetence and ill-motives, and continue their invasive surveillance operations on American citizens without question. Hopefully you will question them about it through emails, phone calls, op-ed letters, and blogs.

Most alarming is that now, in a cancerous CIA engineered psychological manipulation (aka, strategic communication) targeting American citizens, the White House (and by proxy State Department, CIA/NSA, and the military) is attempting to re-direct public attention away from this terrorist-finance failure and corroborating Edward Snowden/Wikileaks documents by initiating new military-mercenary fronts in Ukraine, Syria, and Iraq. Sadly, like the Iraq war build-up, and the “too big to fail” bank bailout, the American media—either out of ignorance or complicity—is participating in the deceptions.

As you may already understand, in a larger “Patriot Act” sense, this is really just part of an endlessly revolving defense contract and homeland security power-grab strategy that will eventually bankrupt the U.S. by degenerating our Republic into a police-state. This may soon quicken given the developing Russia-China natural gas contract and derivative weakening of U.S. dollar’s global economic influence.


As hard as it may be for civilians to stomach, sometimes they must act like soldiers to preserve their civilization and civil ways of life, prosperity, and peace. Based on this information, it may seem that we are on the precipice of a dark abyss in our nation's history. I believe now, given the recent revelations of the government threats to our privacy and liberty, all Americans must act like soldiers and protect their family by peacefully, though firmly, affirming and exercising their legal right to accountability and transparency in government and its sub-contractors (such as Booz Allen Hamilton).

If Americans fail to make a stand and do this, then no longer are they citizens worthy of freedom, but slaves living by permission of a dangerously biased and legally unstable military-political tyranny controlled by a “security clearance bureaucrat class”, who could very soon redefine “freedom” as “a special privilege”, or even “bail”, given only to those deemed worthy by the government bureaucracy and its “top secret” contractors—all supposedly operating under the color of law and “in the people's best interests.”

I believe, and hope you will agree with me, that to redeem the past decade’s despicable waste of lives and resources—and revitalize the reputation and hope of the United States of America in the eyes of the world, the following should happen:

1) The cover-up of this NSA-CIA, Swiss Bank-Terrorist Financing-Booz Allen Hamilton report needs to be exposed immediately;

2) those Congressional and military leaders and the journalists who have refused to analyze or disclose this report need to be confronted, judged, and held to account by you—the public; and

3) new, fearless America leaders need to arise, clamp down on this “hemorrhaging of liberty”, and boldly inspire our allies (Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) to act intelligently and, where appropriate, strategically ally with the BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China) on engagements within the Middle East instead of clumsily antagonizing or threatening them.

For unless the American people are slapped awake from the encroaching “coma” of martial law, and see with fresh eyes the impending catastrophe of our reckless and arrogant policy of global military adventurism and vain pursuit of empire, soon our hard-fought heritage of freedom—and national pride—will evaporate like mist in the desert; and more American blood will be shed by terrorists who, ironically—if not treasonously—are being financed by bank accounts the U.S. Government, the military, defense contractors, and the media are refusing to expose and shut down!

Our choice is very simple: either we continue to allow ourselves to be force-fed propaganda by the "Top Secret clearance" class (the political-bureaucrat elite), and blindly swallow the threat of terrorism and the fantasy of a warm, loving Executive Branch agenda like pills given to passive dogs having their throats rubbed by dominant masters; or we snarl, bark, and bite (in that order) and free ourselves from their information headlock in order to allow our understanding to clear; and carefully examine the point of the medication (i.e., information restrictions) and managers of them. It is a question of temperament and faith (in either self or government) at its core, but I strongly urge you to choose the latter.

I ask you to gird the loins of your mind as military family members (mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, sons and daughters) and share this information with your fellow Americans by writing letters, emails, blogs, facebook comments, instagrams, and twitter feeds to the military-congressional-media people I have listed; demand from them an explanation, and rest not until they give you one.


Among my many duties as battalion Adjutant General Officer was to write the letter to a soldier's family after he has been killed, explaining why and how it happened. It is also, I believe, the saddest and most difficult letter a human being can compose, for the words affect lives like flames affect a forest, like waves affect sandcastles. You enter the letter knowing its touch will trigger pain, if not agony, as it pierces the bubble of sadness and isolation the family has retreated into in an attempt to numb the gnawing silence of their loved one's absence. And as much as the words are carefully calculated to read like a Shakespearean sonnet, they can't help but feel like a red-hot poker cauterizing a bleeding wound: there is closure, but also a significant sense of rage against the healer—or, in this case, the communicator of truth.

When the letter is pulled from the mailbox, the sight of the gold embossed, military eagle emblem on the corner, instantly transforms the paper into a hundred pound weight, and the person's spirit plummets into a vortex of horror, anger, fear, and renewed loss. Unopened, the letter sits alone, in quarantine, upon a checkerboard kitchen table, staring up in silence like a motionless, coiled snake ready to strike, or an inevitable electric shock waiting to be touched. When it's finally unsealed, words pour out and images are absorbed that shatter the cocooning solitude; and like a tornado of jagged metal and glass shards tearing through the scar-tissue cobwebbing their souls, everything and anything the family has tried to restrain, suppress, or dreamed to forget is suddenly stirred-up.

So rest assured I'm familiar with the trauma and drama of words. In this regard I have weighed heavily whether or not I should write this letter to you, not out of concern for my own safety, but rather respect for you as a military family member. As much as I do not wish to re-open old wounds, I also cannot allow a festering question or missing gap in your understanding to remain empty and lingering like a half-dead ghost searching for peace.

In the event of my death—aka CIA-FBI-Military (or foreign) assassination—please know I share this with you out of a sense of duty to my fellow soldiers, living and deceased, and utmost respect to you as their family. I thought you would want to know about this story so that you might both gain closure and discover new subjects to discuss with the military leaders and politicians and journalists who hold the lives of your sons and daughters (or those of your neighbors) in their hands—and who have, so far, failed to honor them out of their own selfish career interests and political fear.

I am sorry for any pain or irritability or confusion this letter may have caused you, but I am convicted that its long term healing—of both your family and our nation—is worth any inconvenient, momentary discomfort.

As my reward for bringing this issue to the attention of the military and Congress—and communicating it up the official channels of my chain of command—I have suffered what Edward Snowden chose wisely to avoid: I have been threatened, imprisoned, slandered, and tortured by the military, Congress, and the Department of Justice in a vain attempt to silence me about these, and other, scandalous military-intelligence failures.

However, despite this brutality and corruption, my faith and my honor code as a military officer and as an American, as well as my oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, absolutely compels me to inform you about this so that you, as my military family members, will, at last, be able to apply this information towards your own healing and peace of mind. My desire is that this letter and the supporting documents will give you that fulfillment, that release, that peace...or at least guide you to the eternal path which leads to it.

I hope that you will help save other service-members—American and allied—before they are killed by this failure of leadership, and spare other families from having to experience the same heartache that you have had to endure.

Again, I hope you will honor our warriors by sharing this information with your fellow Americans, and demanding an explanation, an apology, and a plan of corrective-action from the media, the military leadership, and the politicians in Washington DC and your respective State Capitols, before more families suffer unnecessary loss.

Once again, I urge you to review all the supporting documentation, testimony, and materials to help you understand everything at:

You may contact me for details at:

Respectfully and patriotically yours,

Scott Bennett,

11th Psychological Operations Battalion

U.S. Army Reserve

(925) 391-0407

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