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So please send checks, money orders, cash only to:
Scott Bennett, 23 Railroad Ave, #23, Danville, CA 94526
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Dear Scott,
Last year I saw a podcast with you and Nino, I believe. And at the end of the podcast you brought up the Indian Black Salve. So I purchased a bottle.
I had a spot, unbeknownst to me on my back. My boyfriend had inquired about me getting it checked out. I don't trust western doctors, happened to see your video. So I bought one bottle.
I put it on my back, a small size for 4 days. At the end of the 4 days the pain was like a hot poker digging into the area. I stopped applying it and applied neam salve to heal it. As it scabbed over and one day finally fell off, I had a huge hole in my back, bloody and raw. I applied bacitracin gooped on a large gauze daily and taped it to hold. Each day I would gently wash it with my homemade soap then dab it with hydrogen peroxide. It finally healed.
Today you can't even tell where this was. My boyfriend said it best, whatever that Black stuff was it pulled the cancer out by the roots.
I am thankful to have heard your podcast and I had the belief in you that it helped you and you were being truthful.
Ever since I wanted you to know my story and to thank you.
Thank you Scott. God sees your heart and how you want to help others.
May God bless you.
Sincerely, Andi